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Meet with in a sentence

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Sentence count:187+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: meet up withconflict withmeetwithwithoutdo withgo withwithin
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61. Miller was on the phone right away and offered to meet with the job seeker personally later in the week.
62. They established a committee to meet with DeGrazia to try to find solutions both sides could support.
63. Simons sent his attorney to meet with the ranchers in hopes that they could still come to an amicable settlement.
64. Trade union representatives meet with management regularly at national and regional level at meetings known as Whitley Councils.
65. But maybe if l meet with him we can come to some agreement, you know?
66. Otherwise, schemes for producing well-trained professional and amateur musicians will meet with little success.
67. One action is to meet with school staff to find the means to help Mike at school.
68. We shall make the necessary arrangements to meet with you in due course.
69. Chief executives meet with legislators and constituents to discuss proposed programs and encourage their support.
70. Any policy that creates unemployment is likely to meet with strong resistance.
71. If I am to meet with a disappointment, the sooner I know it,( the more of life I shall have to wear it off. Thomas Jefferson 
72. Attendees will meet with Job Service representatives and preview the new Web site.
73. He cut short a vacation and rushed back to Washington to meet with Ford.
74. Gorbachev was eager to meet with Reagan, as a part of his overall policy of glasnost, or openness.
75. Harrick planned to meet with his freshman last Monday before practice.
76. Great achievements require confidence and always meet with criticism, often with derision.
77. Our church is a very special place, a place to pray and a place to meet with other people.
78. You're going to meet with an accident, Mr Chan, and so is your son.
79. Skepticism fully loaded,( with.html) I agreed to meet with the dapper and charming McKenna.
80. He repeated his intention to meet with airline chief pilots to discuss their concerns.
81. Meet with ABB product development experts.
82. What matter if we meet with some difficulties?
83. These arrangements, we hope, will meet with approval.
84. What matter if they meet with some difficulties?
85. Don't be discouraged when you meet with difficulties.
86. The incisors meet with a scissors grip.
87. We expected our plan to meet with approval.
88. We meet with a narrow boat Lane .
89. Because market regulation is strange tiger of 360 free and enunciative and dash forward meet with variable.
90. I would like to meet with you to discuss some discrepancies on our payroll account.
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